Meditation Basket - Smudging With Love

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Create the perfect space to meditate - clear any negative energy by using the ancient practice of smudging.  You are now ready to light a candle, uplift your spirit by burning some resin of frankincense or myrrh and calm your mind with some mindful meditation - explained beautifully in Bhante Gunaratana's book.

Bhante Gunaratana's meditation book - "Mindfulness in Plain English"

Resin Incense of India - 4 Pack Gift Set  Everything you need to enjoy the natural aromas and soothing scents of frankincense, gum benzoin, myrrh and gum damar resin from India. Each was chosen both for their fragrance and therapeutic properties.

Resin incense has been in use for ages. It is used for ceremonies, aromatherapy, meditation and creating a spiritual atmosphere.

zenature's Abalone Shell  Abalone shells make excellent vessels for containing smoldering herbs and incense. These shells, used for traditional smudging, come from Mexico. They are ideal for burning sweetgrass and sage or indirect burning incense such as resin. 

zenature's White Sage Smudge This top quality white sage is salvia apiana, also known as buffalo sage. Salvia is from the latin word salvareÓ which means to heal. This natural, freshly picked white sage has long been used in smudging ceremonies. It is used to cleanse negativity from people, objects and dwelling places.  Simply light tip, blow out flame, and waft the smoke. Extinguish in sand.

zenature's Feather for Smudging Turkey feathers are commonly used for traditional smudging to waft the smoke. These feathers also have leather wrapped bases for easy handling. Excellent for use with sweetgrass and sage. Using the feather, spread the smoke all around yourself first, then over what it is you are cleansing. Next, walk about the area, person or object you are smudging, fanning the smoke. This clears negativity, cleanses, focuses and purifies that which is being smudged. Quick short movements with the feather breaks up blocked or stagnant energy, long flowing movements smooth out energy, creating a calm, balanced and harmonious energy flow.

50g Cotton/Linen Sand Bag  Add this to your abalone shell to protect against high temperatures.

Big Dipper Wax Works Hand Crafted Heart Pillar Candle - 100% pure beeswax burns for over 40 hours (made in the USA)

2 Tattly Temporary Tattoos  - "be happy" & "butterfly"safe, non-toxic, printed with vegetable based ink, and FDA compliant. Tattly's have a track record of making people smile, kids and grown-ups alike!  With every Tattly you buy, a substantial cut goes to the artist.  Awesome!

Each set contains 2 fun-tastic tattoos! 

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